Before you continue reading this blog post, you should first get your FREE 10 day trial of Tactical Arbitrage here (use code FBAMASTER10 to get the extended trial).
One of the most frequent questions I get via email is:
How Do I Make The Most Of My FREE 10 Day Trial Of Tactical Arbitrage?
Well it’s pretty easy in my opinion. Make a crap ton of money.
You are trying out a software that is one of the most powerful online arbitrage tools on the market. It’s like you have been given the keys to the convertible and have been told to take it for a ride.
I know that some people probably open up the home screen of Tactical Arbitrage and feel like they are looking at something like this:
You could spend hours trying to learn the inner workings of each button or filter in Tactical Arbitrage. And trust me – I realize that you only have 10 days.
But in order to get the most out of your free trial, you will need to hit the ground running.
So we need to stick with the basics and start finding deals as soon as possible.
(of course, if you want to get a quick list of every feature they have, check out this explanation of all the features of TA right here)
So I’m going to give you a checklist of the things you should do right out of the gate to get started using Tactical Arbitrage.
Step #1
You need to watch this video.
This is going to give you all of the basics you are going to need to know in order to know which buttons or levers you need to worry about in the software.
Step #2
After you watch the video above, you might be slightly confused or overwhelmed. I fully understand. So step #2 is going to focus breaking down the filters a bit more and helping you understand what exactly you need to know.
So you have a little reading homework:
Tactical Arbitrage Mini Lessons – Filters: Part #1
Tactical Arbitrage Mini Lessons – Filters: Part #2
Tactical Arbitrage Mini Lessons – Filters: Part #3
This should clear up the a lot of the questions you most likely had about the initial video. Now that we have that out of the way, it’s time to actually start finding some deals. But how in the world do we do that?
Step #3
I’m going to give you 4 of my favorite ways to use the software. You can use the skills that you learned above to put these techniques into action.
Technique #1: Stack coupon codes, gift cards, and cash back sites. If you guys have followed me for any length of time, you know that I love this method and recommend it to everyone I teach! If you stack coupon codes, gift cards, and cash back sites, you can see deals that most would gloss right over.
Technique #2: Find products to take to market. Instead of focusing on all of the matches, you could leverage the “no matches found” filter and essentially build yourself a list of items that have never been on the Amazon marketplace. Talk about awesome.
Technique #3: Explore stores you have never even heard of. Yeah. It’s not a hipster thing. Tactical Arbitrage has over 400+ sites and there are more being added every week. If you can’t find a new store to source, you must be an expert online arbitrager or you aren’t trying hard enough.
Technique #4: Search for Retail Arbitrage opportunities. If you are really smart, you take an incredible tool for online arbitrage such as Tactical Arbitrage and use it for retail arbitrage. Yes. You read that correctly. Turn on the “out of stock” search at the store level and spot items that are out of stock online but might be available in the store. Make yourself a shopping list and go to town (literally – go to town and into a store).
Step #4
Get to it!!!!!
Sitting there doing nothing isn’t going to make you any money.
You actually have run searches and make purchases.
A tool is only as good as the person who uses it. I can take a hammer and make a hole in the wall. A construction worker can take that same hammer and build a house. It’s the practice and experience that will make you better.
Step #5
You will want to join this Facebook group:
And that is how you make the most of your free trial of Tactical Arbitrage.
So what are you waiting for?
You should get your FREE 10 day trial of Tactical Arbitrage (using the code FBAMASTER10) and start using it today.
If you have any questions, make sure to leave a comment below and I will be happy to take the time to help you out!